Thursday, December 9, 2010

How does dream come out with realization?

I started my education in a very realistic family where father is the only one earning person in the family. So I decided to be established first to stand by with my father to help our family. Taking my dream in my mind I started my journey for education.

Kachakata is an island like place which is separated from Police Station Nageswari by rivers. All people from Kachakata have to cross river to reach Nageswari for their various reasons. The communication is a big trouble for the people who live in Kachakata. But this communication has improved in a marginal way from 1990 to now though people still suffers to come Nageswari by taking lot of troubles in the way by trudge.

After completing my matriculation I started my college education into Nageswari Degree College. I was very young and was not
able to communicate with people effectively. When any people came to me to talk, I normally felt shyness. But later I overcame this situation with mingling and gambling with friends and family members. At my college study I found myself in a separate direction. I liked to solve math problems very much. Math was my favorite subject though later it was changed to physics. I was changing my mind to take a career based on my good endowment. So it was perfect for me to go for engineering study or pure science.

After passing college education, I started to take coaching for BUET admission test taking my dream to make a difference in Kachakata by establishing public health care service for general people. By trying hard and soul, I got a chance to BUET in Computer Science and Engineering, that was my first and challenging achievement in my life.

During my graduation I was always thinking about the change in Kachakata. I just wanted to be established first and seek to an good option to make my dream true. Since I changed my career direction but I did not detach from my dream. I believe that it will be happening one day and I shall be able to see lot of lovely, smiling faces around Kachakata for their good health treatment in the offing of their doors.

Here I deem to go far with changes.

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