Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just an initiation

I have seen a true story based movie where a congress man (Charles Wilson) of US raised a fund for the people of Afghanistan to fight with Russian troops. According to the story, Charles Wilson raised a fund from 5 million to 1 billion US dollar at the end.

 I know everything is difficult at the starting time because of clay type things, irregular shape, inconsistency, lack of people's co-operation and lot of unhappy things. But as day goes on its own way, all things get a new shape with new direction.

One standing committee will take the responsibilities to dream about the changes. That team will be the leader to make changes happening to rural area. One day the team will be able to raise fund as much as possible by collaborating with government, social organizations, various aid organization and socially established local contributors. But before any fund raising we need to think about a plan to make a step to go forward.

One committee will decide about the plan to execute. And first plan must be awareness about our dreams with all local people to get their support and help. It’s my dream that one committee will think about future and will make an initiative to go forward. Committee will decide an executive team to execute a plan of a dream from top to bottom. They will make difference in that place which will be an example for other rural areas.

I believe that if there is no example then make an example. Other will follow you. First contribution and execution must be done by us to start up and make a spark to go forward. I believe success will come through its own way but we need to give nudge for it. We need to effuse our thoughts about future. If you don’t do it then someone will do it, don’t believe that. You can make a difference by yourself by your everyday work. I see those days not so far from now.  

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